Developer information

Setting up a testing environment

For development it is recommended to set up a virtual environment inside the source folder:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

The last command will active the virtual environment, and will replace the python3 and pip commands in your shell. Now make sure you have the latest pip installed:

$ pip install --upgrade pip

Now install the MonetDBe-Python project in developing mode (hence the -e):

$ CFLAGS="-I<monetdb_prefix>/include/ -L<monetdb_prefix>/lib64/" pip install -e ".[test,doc]"

The CFLAGS above are required to make sure pip can find MonetDB. Using developer mode, any changes to the Python code will be directly reflected without re-installation. The only exception is code related to the low-level interface, which does require a reinstall (just run the above command again).

Running the test suite

After setting up te testing environment, run from the source folder:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<monetdb_prefix>/lib pytest

Making binary wheel for Linux

  • Docker

  • make

Then run

$ make docker-wheels
$ venv/bin/pip install twine
$ venv/bin/twine upload dist/*.whl dist/*.tar.gz

Making binary wheel for OSX

  1. get a High Sierra machine (10.13)

  2. install homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Run the OSX wheel script


10 upload the wheels

pip install twine
twine upload dist/*.whl

Making binary wheel for Windows

Compile MonetDB on Windows

  1. install microsoft visual studio community edition:

  1. Refer to the Github Actions Windows build script .github/workflows/windows.yml for further actions.